(Revised on 16 December 2021)(修订日期: 12月16日2021)*

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This is a facility offered by certain financial institutes to enable buyers to loan beyond the amount arrived at using the TDSR (Total Debt Servicing Ratio) and MSR (Mortgage Servicing Ratio). TDSR and MSR only allow buyers to borrow up to a maximum of 60%55% and 30% respectively of the gross income from the financial institutions for the purchase of Singapore real properties. 这是某些金融机构所提供的贷款工具,让购屋者可以借贷超出TDSR(总偿债比率)和MSR(每月偿还贷款比率)所允许的款额。 TDSR和MSR仅允许购买者分别从金融机构借入最多不超过60%55%和30%的总收入购买新加坡房地产。   Read more更多详情...

Pledging of Assets
Placement of cash as fixed deposit with the mortgage lender for a period of 48 months to arrive at an "additional" Monthly Gross Income for the purpose of calculating the final loan amount:-

Monthly Gross Income Derived = Pledged_Amount/48


Showing of assets at certain point in time, mostly once during signing of contract and another at the first disbursement of funds to developer. Assets can be Cash, Gold, Stocks Foreign Currency, etc. Apart from cash, value of other assets will be determined by the financial institution that is offering the mortgage loan. The formula for the derivation of equivalent monthly income is:-

Monthly Gross Income Derived = (Pledged_Amount/48)x30%



EC/HDB Purchase执行共管公寓/政府组屋
Pledge抵押贷款金额(定期存款): S$
Unpledge (shows funds)无抵押贷款(显示资金): S$
Available Funds可用资金: S$
Loan Tenure贷款期限:    
Interest Rate银行利率:     %
Equated Loan Amount by Pledging抵押贷款等值金额: S$
Equated Loan Amount by Unpledging无抵押贷款金额(显示资金): S$
Total Loan Amount贷款总额: S$
Value of Property (75% LTV)产业价值(以75%可贷款项计算): S$

Equated Monthly Installment 每月分期付款等额(EMI): S$
An equivalent of Gross Income等于每月总收入: S$
Total Interest Payable应付利息总额: S$
Total Amount Payable应付总额: S$

You can also work out the shortfall of your loan vs pledge/unpledge amount 👉 Mortgage Calculator Plus 你也可以计算出贷款与资产抵押贷款之间的差额 👉 房屋贷款计算机+


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* With effect from 16 December 2021, new mortages cannot cause borrowers' total monthly loan repayments to exceed 55% of monthly income. 自2021年12月16日起,新抵押贷款不得导致借款人每月还款总额超过月收入的55%。

While all reasonable care was undertaken to ensure accuracy of the information and calculation, the agent and his agency will not be held responsible for any discrepancy. For feedback, please contact Cyan Ho at (+65)9066 6966 or via email cyanyc@gmail.com
尽管已采取一切合理措施确保信息和计算的准确性,如有误差其房屋经纪和经纪公司将不付任何法律责任。如有意见或反馈,请联络何永全(+65)9066 6966或电邮cyanyc@gmail.com

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